New Drawing every Tuesday 7:30pm

Queen of Hearts Rules
Drawing every Tuesday at 7:30pm
Board updated weekly at
Separate games are being played at Zeppe’s Tavern of Bedford Hts & Zeppe’s Tavern of Newbury
- All raffle tickets are $1.00 per ticket. There is no limit on the number of tickets that may be purchased. Tickets may be purchased immediately after the weekly drawing and up until 30 minutes prior to the next week drawing.
- There can be only one name per ticket. You must include a legal first and last name, contact phone number that includes area code and card number of choice legibly on the back of the ticket and return it to the bartender to be placed in the ticket drum. If these rules are not followed, information is incomplete or illegible then that ticket is disqualified and a new ticket will be drawn. The other half of the ticket will be retained by the purchasing player for verification purposes. If a player is not present and there is not a number on the chosen ticket, a new card will be randomly drawn.
- Each Tuesday (unless otherwise posted) at 7:30pm, a name will be drawn from the tickets purchased that week. If you show up after 7:30pm and your name was announced three times, you will be considered not present.
- The total prize jackpot will continue to accumulate weekly until the Queen of Hearts is drawn. The jackpot amount, based on ticket sales, will be updated weekly and prominently displayed within restaurant and on website:
- Once a card is selected, it will be removed from play and shown face up on the board. Each week after the drawing, all tickets for that week’s drawing will be destroyed. Tickets purchased for that week will only be valid for that week’s drawing.
- If your name is drawn, you get to choose a card. If the chosen card is the Queen of Hearts and the winner IS PRESENT, the winner will receive 90% of the jackpot. If the chosen card is Queen of Hearts and the winner is NOT PRESENT, the winner will receive 75% of the jackpot. The remaining 10% or 25% of the jackpot will be used as the starting amount for the next game.
- If the Queen of Hearts is not drawn, the winning payouts are as follows: Jokers $50, aces $50, and all other face cards $25. Payouts will be distributed when card is drawn. You must be present to win these payouts.
- The Queen of Hearts game board will be locked at all times except to draw the card. The cards are attached to the board and must be cut out for the drawing to ensure integrity of the cards and board.
- All winners are responsible for any and all taxes. A 1099 will be issued so a completed W9 is required to collect winnings. Payout will be issued via check within 48 hours of card being drawn.